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FortuneFish UK
Challenges, Competitions & Live Events:
Challenges, Competitions & Live Events:
Challenges & Portfolio
What are Challenges?
How do I get new Challenges to play?
Can I replay Challenges in my Portfolio?
Why can you replay a Challenge?
I don’t have any new Challenges to play?
Can I delete Photos from my Portfolio?
What are Competitions?
How do I enter competitions?
What is the difference between Competitions & Challenges?
How do I get a high score in a Competition?
Can I re-enter competitions like you do with challenges?
What is a ‘top look’?
Live Events:
How can I play live events?
When do new events appear?
Prestige Challenges
What are Prestige Challenges?
How do I get back to playing normal Challenge?
What is the cost of entering Prestige Challenges?
Hearts & Heart Tracker
What is the Heart Track?
What are the hearts for in a challenge?
Where can I find my Heart Track?
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